Thursday, March 25, 2010

Illustration Friday: "Expired"

Here's another entry for IF. Sort of last minute but the idea was too fun to let pass. (Wow... tomorrow is Friday already! I better get ready)


  1. Wow, he still looks happy, must've tasted good after all! Great job on the perspective with this Lucy, love it!

    IF was a bit late with the new topic, it was just emailed ten minutes ago - so now you're not as late - hah! Have a great weekend.

  2. Hi Lucy! Great take on "Expired" theme!! Yep there is something about expired milk hehehe...
    btw thanks for your great comments on my work. I am happy you got inspired to experiment with digital collage!! Be warn, you will get addicted!!! :) Best, Isabelle

  3. Hey Lucy, GREAT catching up with you today! Just wanted you to know I finally caught up with passing the Renee Award on to my friends and you are one of them! Although we've recently reconneted you have always been so kind and supportive to me and I really appreciate it, you deserve this special award. So grab it and display it proudly on your blog! xoxoxo Susan

  4. Hi Lucy, I love following your weekly illustrations! Your production of great ideas on a weekly basis is impressive.

    It borders on inspirational ... as I set up a google account!! and I am considering picking up my colored pencils! ;-) Cheers ND
