Monday, March 8, 2010

IF "Brave"

I've been meaning to participate in Illustration Friday regularly but have never pulled it off.  Now I've posted a picture two weeks in a row.  Feels great! I'll try to keep it up. It is great practice and is getting me to try out different techniques. Looking forward to this Friday!


  1. Ewwwwwwww, grooossssss!!! But wonderful Lucy, great take on this theme! I'll have to show my younger son this, he loves chopsticks. It was SO wonderful to hear from you! I lost all your contact info last year in a computer crash, but knew we'd connect eventually, thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I just signed on to follow you, make sure to follow me too, as I'm a very supportive blogger - true!

    It's so great to be in touch again, I'll send you an email so my comment doesn't take up the whole page!

    Have a great week, Susan

  2. Oooh that is brave! And funny too. I know lots of people love raw fish but I can't psych myself up enough to eat it! This makes me think of "How to Eat Fried Worms." The teeth are what make this funny, and the focus on the open mouth without showing the eyes.
