Above is the new sub-title for my blog (well, barely a blog since a hardly ever post). Here is the old sub-title: "I have a wonderful new studio on my third floor. Nice space and lots of unfinished projects. The plan? Kick my butt out of the kitchen, off the couch, and get working. Doing what? We'll see. I'll be upstairs." Well, that was awhile ago (actually quite awhile ago). We were living in the country then, with dog, cat and kids underfoot inside and bears and deer outside.
Where are we now? Well, the kids are out of the house (mostly grown - empty nest) and we have moved to just on the edge of a small city, to a new state. We are getting used to a new way of life. There is much to inspire me here, many opportunities, more time to create and yet life frequently seems to get in the way. Or maybe it is ME that gets in the way. Either way, I need to create more, stress less. I still have a lovely studio but now it is out of the house so I need to make a more concerted effort to get there and work. Sounds like a good New Years Resolution to me!